What is WWOAP?
Originally established and organized in 1927 to improve and advance the public water supply industry across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Water Works Operators’ Association of Pennsylvania (WWOAP) remains faithful to that mission today.
The WWOAP believes understanding, cooperation, and progress are more readily attainable through open communications among all levels of the industry, including regulation. The WWOAP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of 900-plus members.
We are dedicated to:

- Increasing the knowledge and expertise of those working at all levels of Pennsylvania’s water supply industry.
- Disseminating information about public water supply and the public water supply industry.
- Promoting networking and knowledge exchange among its members about design, construction, operation and management of water supply systems through meetings and other activities.
Our Members Are:

People involved directly or indirectly with the operation, management, design, or construction of municipally operated or investor-owned public water supply systems including:
- Operators
- Engineers
- Chemists
- Bacteriologists
- Equipment and materials manufacturers or suppliers and their representatives
- Local, state and federal government officials and personnel